The European Society for Phenylketonuria and Allied Disorders Treated as Phenylketonuria (E.S.PKU) is proud to announce to be part of the foundation of the “Global PKU Association”. You will find further information, like the mission statement in the attachment. As the foundation of this new organization is still in the early phases information will be published over time. For now enjoy reading the official statement below. Global PKU announcement August 1, 2017
Explaining PKU
Everybody connected to Phenylketonuria (PKU) has been in the situation of explaining what it’s all about. The French association (Les Feux Folleits) has made a great effort to publish a video explaining PKU to children. Enjoy watching, sharing and using this video to explain Phenylketonuria to children. There is also a French version of this video available.
PKUDay 2017
International PKU Day 2017 is coming up June 28th. If you have planned any activity on or around PKU Day, please let us know on so we can share the event on the official PKU Day website. You can provide us with an description, image, link and location for your event. It would be great to receive information on your plans soon so we can raise interest in sharing them early! You can download the PKU Day Logo on the PKUDay Website and use it to promote your event. Also if you have questions you can contact us at …
Social media discussion about MipSalus
Recently, a publication on about a new treatment in development for Phenylketonuria by Danish biotech company MipSalus, raised considerable discussion on social media. It was suggested that this treatment has already been approved in Europe and awaiting approval in the US. The ESPKU have contacted the CEO of MipSalus for clarification. The statement was published without approval and not accurate. For further information please visit E.S.PKU has been active to gather information on recent social media topics for you. If you have found something PKU-related that you need clarified, feel free to contact us, we will take care of …
Questions & Answers for the European Guidelines?
As you have learned in our last news there has been a first publication on the European Guidelines. As you have been reading this first publication we believe that there are some questions that might have come up. This is why we have put together the first Questions & Answers for the European Guidelines. We want to give you the opportunity to submit questions to us. The most popular questions will be answered by the experts responsible for writing the guidelines. Please submit your questions until March 3rd. We will be working on answering your questions later in March. So keep an eye on …
European Guidelines for Phenylketonuria Published
The European Society for Phenylketonuria and Allied Disorders Treated as Phenylketonuria (E.S.PKU) is very happy to announce that the European Guidelines for Phenylketonuria have been published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. Getting to this point has taken many years of preparation. First in the line was the publication of Closing Gaps in Care. This showed the great need for European Guidelines. Treatment for Phenylketonuria is very different in Europe although it’s always the same disease. After the publication of Closing Gaps in Care the delegates of the E.S.PKU published the Consensus Paper in Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. This voices the patients need …
The forgotten children
A touching documentary by the German Association for Phenylketonuria and allied inherited disorders (DIG PKU) calls attention to the fate of late diagnosed and untreated patients Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare, inherited disorder of protein metabolism. Patients are unable to metabolise the amino acid phenylalanine. Early diagnosed by newborn screening and treated with a low protein diet and an amino acid substitution, patients can develop normally and live their life to the full. In untreated patients, high phenylalanine-levels in the brain cause severe impairments to mental and physical development. Neurological abnormalities such as hyperactivity, aggressiveness and lack of concentration, fitting …
#GuthrieMemorialDinner – June 28th – PKUDay
International PKU Day is happening on June 28th. Spreading the word about Phenylketonuria is very important to achieve our goals. As we have announced in our last news post we have launched a dedicated website for the International PKU Day. It’s available at For this year there is a special event planned as it’s the 100th anniversary of Robert Guthrie birth. The #GuthrieMemorialDinner is a special occasion and an easy way to show your support for Phenylketonuria. Learn more about the idea: To identify PKU babies affected by Phenylketonuria immediately after birth, Robert Guthrie invented the possibility for newborn screening, also known …
PKU Day Website launched
We are happy to announce the launch of the new website. PKU Day is coming up June 28th. For this year we have planned some special events and hope that everybody will take part in. Spreading the word about Phenylketonuria (PKU) is important. International PKU Day gives us the chance to promote PKU and make it known better. Please help by sharing the website and social media accounts of International PKU Day. The biggest event for this year will be the “Robert Guthrie Memorial Dinner”. Read all about it on the PKUDay Website.
Call for Papers
Dear professionals, We would like to announce that we created a form where you can upload your abstract for the E.S.PKU conference 2016 in Dublin, Ireland. You can view the submission form here: – Submission Closed -. Submissions will be forwarded to the Scientific Advisory Committee of E.S.PKU. You can find more information about this years conference on the dedicated conference page. Please take note of the deadline: August 20th – last day of call for papers! Also don’t forget to subscribe to the conference newsletter so you don’t miss out on important updates. If you have questions, you can use …