Cross Party Alliance
European Parliament Cross-Party Alliance on PKU

What is the PKU European Parliament Cross Party Alliance?
A Cross Party Alliance is an informal group of Members of the European Parliament (MEP) who represent different political groups, but all are interested in a particular topic: PKU. They hold informal discussions and promote exchanges between MEPs and with experts and the civil society.
Why a PKU Cross Party Alliance?
From food labelling and the assessment and approval of medicines and therapies to cross-border healthcare and European Reference Networks: EU decisions increasingly have an impact on healthcare for people living with PKU and their daily lives.
The European Parliament Cross Party Alliance on PKU aims to make sure that the specific needs of the European PKU community are sufficiently met by EU policies and EU legislation.
Find out, who is engaged in the PKU Cross Party Alliance.
Vision and Mission Statements:
The European Parliament Cross-Party Alliance on PKU aims to ensure that people living with PKU and their families have lifelong access to the services, therapies and support they require to best manage the disorder and its consequences in their daily lives.
The European Parliament Cross-Party Alliance on PKU raises awareness of and proposes and advocates specific policy initiatives to better address the needs of PKU patients and their families across the EU, to improve their daily lifes and quality of life.
What is the role of ESPKU?
The European Society for Phenylketonuria (ESPKU) coordinates the European Parliament Cross-Party Alliance on PKU. The Cross-Party Alliance was initiated and launched by the ESPKU in March 2020 to create political awareness and activities on their main goals as outlined in the ESPKU Manifesto.
This initiative is enabled by support provided by BioMarin
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