Latest developments on the review of the EU legislation on dietary food (FSMP)


New rules for Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP) have passed the EU Parliament A delegated regulation on FSMP will complement the provisions on the Food for Specific Consumer Groups Regulation (EU 609/2013) to ensure appropriate requirements for the composition, labelling and communication of FSMPs and thereby shall guarantee availability and perceptibility of low protein food for dietary management of Phenylketonuria and allied disorders In early 2015 we reported on the current review of EU legislation on dietary food: the former Directive 2009/39/EC (framework directive) has been repealed by a new Regulation (EU) 609/2013 on Food for Specific Consumer Groups (FSG) …

Review of EU legislation on dietary food


Review of EU legislation on dietary food could mean a significant backward step for the treatment and management of Phenylketonuria (PKU) On March 28th, 2105 the Spring Meeting of the European Society for Phenylketonuria and Allied Disorders took place in Berlin, Germany. 24 delegates from 13 national PKU Associations took part and discussed the latest political developments. PKU patients have to follow a strict low protein diet supplemented by an amino acid replacement. They have to calculate the intake of Phenylalanine to avoid any health problems related to the disease. Therefore quantitative labelling of Phenylalanine is crucial for their daily …