34th E.S.PKU Conference 2020
Virtual online meeting
Last updated: Jannuary 22nd

Virtual / Online Meeting

October 30th / November 1st
Revisit the first virtual conference
Due to the corona pandemic, this year it is impossible for ESPKU to run a face-to-face meeting with more than 500 people in Madrid, as initially planned. Nevertheless, the ESPKU Annual Conference will take place on Sunday, 1 November 2020: Digital, virtual, on the internet!
On this day, at 12:00 noon CET, the European PKU community will gather in front of their computers and smartphones. The virtual meeting will be accessible for patients and their relatives, patient’s representatives, healthcare providers and researchers from all over Europe and beyond. The preliminary programme will include interesting lectures and presentations and takes a look into the present care and future needs of PKU:
- Eric Lange, ESPKU President: Presentation of the Sheila Jones Award 2020
- Prof. Dr. Anita MacDonald (Birmingham): European Dietetic Guidelines
- Prof. Dr. Nenad Blau (Zurich): Demographics in PKU
- Prof. Dr. Harvey Levy (Boston): Growing old with PKU
- Prof. Dr. Susan Waisbren (Boston): Taking care of mental health needs when aging with PKU
- Prof. Dr. Jerry Vockley (Pittsburgh): Pegvaliase and Gene Therapy for PKU
- Eric Lange, Prof. Dr. Francjan J. van Spronsen (ESPKU): Closing remarks
On Friday 30 October 2020 between 14:00 and 16:00 pm CET, scientists and healthcare professionals will meet online to exchange views and experiences on research needs. This part of the ESPKU Conference is for professionals only, and will offer an opportunity for young researchers to showcase.